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Please read carefully. By commissioning me in any kind of way, you are agreeing to the terms of service below. If you have any specific questions or concerns, feel free to message me.

Terms of Service: Política de Acessibilidade


Commissions are discussed through email.

I will post on the Website when I am Open/Close for Commissions.

In your message, please have this information: 

(For ARPG Commissions, do not fill out this form. Each ARPG has its form directly on their tabs.)

Commission type: (for example: Flat Character Piece - With 2 Half body characters with solid colour background (artist choice))

References: (References with multiple views are preferred)

Description of piece: (if you don't have anything specific, I don't mind taking free rein.)

PayPal email: (the email I send the invoice to)

Contact email: (the one I send the art to)

  • Acknowledgment that you have read the Commission Terms of Services and that you understand and will comply with what is written.


Please write in a clear and nice manner.
Do not ask me to draw in another artist's style.
Provide useful/helpful references. 
Any ill behaviour will not be tolerated and your commission will be cancelled if it occurs.
If you fail to follow the rules provided, I have the right to decline your commission.


These commissions are for personal use only. If you’re looking to hire me for commercial work, please drop me an email to discuss the details and prices.

I reserve the rights over the final artwork (meaning: I can post them online to my galleries and use for publicity).

You can post the final digital image in other social media as long as you link back to my Website. 

Cropping of my work for personal use is allowed - However, I request that the original signature remain visible when possible. For anything that renders the signature illegible, please have a link nearby in the description/caption for the piece. Never remove my signature.

You have the right to use the final digital image for personal use (i.e. print it for yourself, etc).

You may not resell the image to third parties (i.e. make prints or merchandise from my artwork for sale, or resell the original digital image for money).

If I find that you have been stealing my art, there will be legal consequences.


I take all payments through PayPal invoices. 

 All my prices are in Euro.

Payments are done only when I begin working on your commission, so if you are currently in the queue, I ask that you wait for your turn before making any payments. When the time comes, I will inform you that I am ready to work on your piece.

I will not start on a piece until full payment has been made. 


The base prices will increase with the number of characters, level of complexity of their designs, extra details like weapons/armour/complex accessories and the detail of Backgrounds.

After a commission is finished, only small changes are allowed to be made. Such as small colouring/marking mistakes. If your reference was unclear to start with, then you are not allowed to do minor changes without a fee. Make sure to be clear in your order what you aim for.


I have the right to refuse any Commission request, without needing to explain the reason.
If you ignore payment for 5 days without explanation, I will cancel the commission.
I reserve the right to stop work on a Commission, or cancel a Commission request due to poor communication, rude/inappropriate behaviour, an inability to effectively communicate in the English language, or a breach of these Terms of Service.
I will not refund if I have already finished your commission.
I will allow cancelling a commission, but if I have started on the piece already, your refund will only amount to what hasn’t been worked on. For instance, if you paid me 30€ for a piece, and I’ve only gotten to the sketch, you will get a refund of 22€.

If you decide to cancel your commission in the queue, that’s okay. To cancel, just email me.


Artwork will be finished within 1-3 months after payment. 

Note:The time always depends on the type of commission requested. 
If you need me to meet a certain deadline, let me know in advance, and I’ll let you know whether I can work with those conditions or not.


I will send a sketch and can be request changes to the drawing (up to 2 edits, not touching the main pose).

For example: placement of hands or expression can be altered but the full pose not

The sketch cannot be posted and is only for personal approval of the piece.

Please note that work in progress images are just that - they may be messy and will not reflect the finished piece in terms of quality. 


Digital illustration (there is no physical copy).
Full resolution digital image in at 250 dpi.
Output: high-quality PNG (unless you request a different format).
Digital art commissions will be provided to the commissioner via email or an online download location in .png format; this does not include the Commission native files (e.g., .psd, .tif, etc.).


I can draw most things, but I am more comfortable drawing canine and feline characters. I'm still learning how to draw human anatomy and I'm not used to draw anthros/furries characters. 
However that doesn't mean I don't like a good challenge, but don't take it personally if I turn down your request.

Terms of Service: Lista
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